Criminal Justice Reform
The criminal justice system throughout North Carolina and the United States is in dire need of reform. Many of our laws, policies, and procedures are founded on racial discrimination, gender prejudice, and punishment for poverty.
Governor Roy Cooper appointed the Task Force for Racial Equity and Criminal Justice (TREC) to focus on addressing existing policies and procedures that disproportionately affect communities of color and to develop solutions to ensure racial equity in our criminal justice system. The TREC report includes 125 recommendations for corrective action that need to be analyzed, evaluated, and, if appropriate, implemented.
In my role as an Orange County Commissioner, I was engaged in efforts to improve policies and processes as well as attitudes and behaviors toward individuals are pre-arrest, justice-involved or navigating reentry. I also participated in state and national levels of policy steering committees that are targeting:
- establishing pretrial release programs;
- advocating for bail reform and elimination of cash bail;
- keeping mental health out of our jails, prisons, and detention centers;
- and mentoring programs for justice-involved youth.
Men and women of color and people of low wealth are disproportionately suspected, arrested, charged, and incarcerated. Innocent BIPOC children, teenagers, and adults are being shot and killed.
As your NC House District 50 representative, I will communicate and collaborate with stakeholders and community members to help us understand and address our personal biases. We must ensure justice in our criminal justice system.